What is Old is New Again

Sometimes a look back allows us to see the present with new eyes. Apryl and I have found some really wonderful vintage photographs of wedding parties that are just great to have a look at. Although some of these vintage bouquets feel out-of-scale with the tiny brides that hold them, it’s great to see brides holding different styles of bouquets (presentation and cascade), which with the modern day popularity of the rounded handheld bouquet, feel almost avant-guarde!

1920s Bridal Party

1920s Bridal Party

1920s Wedding Portrait

1920s Wedding Portrait

Calla Lilly Presentation Bouquet

Calla Lilly Presentation Bouquet

Note the calla lily presentation-style bouquet above right. It really shows how great these elegant flowers look arranged this way, working with the flower’s inherent shape, not against it.

The other bouquets, while more rounded, have a much ‘wilder’ look. Although certainly these bouquets were designed by someone back in the day, the incorporation of interesting ferns and green textures really lends them a looser look.

Photos from Victoriana and Ryan Holiday Musik You can also try searches at The Library of Congress, we could spend hours on that site, so much amazing content!