It’s been far too long since we’ve blogged. What can I say? The wedding season has been sooo busy – we’ve been doing so much designing with lovely flowers we’ve just not had the time to sit down and write about it! Tonight I am making amends, I promise.

Here’s a sneak peak of flowers for a wedding tomorrow at Marina Bay in Quincy. I CAN’T believe this darn hurricane Danny is coming – but we’re going with the flow. All will be gorgeous even if there are 30 mile an hour winds and rain!

Table Design with Garden Roses, Dahlias, & Orchids

Table Design with Garden Roses, Dahlias, & Orchids

This the peak season of dahlias and garden roses – both are a bit fragile but with a gentle touch, they are so worth doing for a wedding!

Another Table Design with a 'Cafe au Lait' Dahlia at the center

Another Table Design with a 'Cafe au Lait' Dahlia at the center

Apryl & I are just mildly obsessed with ‘Cafe au Lait’ dahlias – they vary – but their colors tend to be milky pinks, warm creams, just lovely.

Table Arrangement in the foreground, Apryl in the background

Table Arrangement in the foreground, Apryl in the background

And the bridal bouquet – softly tonal with ivories and small touches of blush and peach, I could just stare at these beautiful flowers all day. Especially the ‘Fair Bianca’ ivory garden roses. They are tiny, with so many petals and a soft old-fashioned rose fragrance. I think these are a new favorite for us.

Bridal Bouquet in ivories and blush

Bridal Bouquet in ivories and blush

Blush Tonal Bridal Bouquet

Blush Tonal Bridal Bouquet

I could just eat these flowers, they are so lovely! The ‘Fair Bianca’ roses are at the center. Such loveliness is almost unbearable.

More photos post-wedding, post-hurricane, so stay tuned!

Photos & Design by Petalena